Thursday 24 November 2022

What are 8 Natural Sleep Aids

Difficulty falling asleep is a common occurrence. For many people, this means trouble sleeping every now and again or for a short duration of time. In many cases, this can be corrected by improving your sleep hygiene. This includes: limiting daytime napping to 30 minutes or less exercising for at least 10 minutes per day avoiding caffeine and other stimulants before bedtime passing on heavy foods, like fatty or fried meals, before bedtime If your sleep troubles are infrequent, you may wish to use an over-the-counter (OTC) or home remedy to help you fall asleep. Some people wish to avoid using medication in favor of a more natural alternative. Nonprescription sleep aids are typically considered natural. They encourage relaxation, ease anxiety, and promote sleep. Many natural sleep aids are also linked to other health-promoting behaviors like improved digestion and pain relief. Getting enough sleep may be as simple as changing routines, diet, or habits. Always try nonmedicinal, nonherbal approaches first. Are natural sleep aids more beneficial than traditional sleep aids? Natural sleep aids are generally considered safer than OTC and prescription medications. This is because they tend to have fewer side effects than their prescription counterparts. Some people worry that using prescription medication can cause them to become dependent on the medication. If this happens, they may experience withdrawal symptoms if they decide to stop using it. They may also have even more difficulty falling asleep after stopping use. Using natural sleep aids for a short time typically doesn’t lead to dependence. Natural sleep aids have a low risk of side effects or complications when used for a short time. Herbs, which are often used as natural sleep aids, aren’t regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so you should use them with caution. Consult your doctor about any potential interactions between an herb you’d like to use and any medical conditions you have or medications you’re taking.

What are 8 Natural Sleep Aids

Difficulty falling asleep is a common occurrence. For many people, this means trouble sleeping every now and again or for a short duration o...